
New updates and improvements to Usermaven

All Announcements

Data access consent for support

New Feature

We highly value the privacy of your business and your users, and believe that protecting it is essential for maintaining the trust of our customers and for the success of our business.

Anyone in the Usermaven team will only access your account and data for the purpose of troubleshooting problems on your behalf, after receiving a request for help via email or in-app support chat.

We have added the option to grant access to our support team, who will be able to assist you with any issues you may be experiencing.


This access to your account and data will be temporary, lasting for a maximum of 14 days. During this time, our support team will use this access to provide you with the assistance you need to resolve any issues you may be experiencing. Once your issue has been resolved, you can easily revoke this access.

We are committed to respecting your privacy and will only use this access in accordance with your request and with your permission.
