
New updates and improvements to Usermaven

  1. Introducing Attribution 2.0: The ultimate tool for ROI-focused marketers!

    New Feature

    We received a lot of positive feedback and appreciation from you all on Attribution 1.0.

    Usermaven is committed to pushing the boundaries of analytics. To provide marketers with a deeper understanding of their marketing ROI, we've developed Attribution 2.0.

    With features like multi-touch attribution models, lookback windows, conversion goals, and more, you can now easily get deeper insights to improve your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.

    Let's see what Attribution 2.0 has to offer:

    New features

    7 powerful attribution models: Attribution 2.0 introduces seven comprehensive attribution models to give you a full picture of your marketing performance:

    • First Touch: Gives full credit to the customer's first interaction
    • Last Touch: Attributes conversion to the final touchpoint
    • Linear: Evenly distributes credit among all touchpoints
    • U-Shaped: Assigns 40% credit to first and last touchpoints, 20% to middle interactions
    • Time Decay: Gives more credit to touchpoints closer to conversion
    • First Touch Non-Direct: Attributes to the first non-direct channel interaction
    • Last Touch Non-Direct: Credits the last non-direct channel before conversion

    Each model offers unique insights into your customer's journey and conversions, allowing you to analyze marketing effectiveness from multiple perspectives.


    Customizable lookback window: Set your attribution lookback window from 30 to 180 days. This user-specific time period before conversion ensures that recent, relevant interactions are properly credited in your chosen attribution model.



    Conversion time period: Our new conversion time period filter allows you to analyze conversions within a specific date range. This feature helps you focus on recent performance or compare different time periods, giving you more control over your data analysis.



    Conversion goal selection: Attribution 2.0 now requires you to create or select a conversion goal before running your attribution analysis. This ensures your attribution insights are always tied to specific, measurable objectives.



    Default channel analysis

    Get a comprehensive breakdown of how each channel contributes to your conversions. Our new table view shows:

    • Visitors: Number of unique visitors in the selected time frame
    • Conversions: Total unique conversions within the period
    • Value: Amount generated based on your conversion goal
    • Influenced: Shows the number of conversions influenced by different models.

    This detailed view helps you identify your most effective marketing efforts and optimize your strategies.



    Enhanced custom channel mapping: We've improved our custom channel mapping feature, allowing you to create and define your own channels. Access this through the Custom Channel Mappings dashboard to tailor your analytics to your specific needs.



    Visual Attribution insights: The new Conversions by Channel and Attribution Model graph provides a clear visual representation of each channel's impact under different attribution models. This makes it easier than ever to compare and analyze your marketing performance.

    Compare different attribution models with Usermaven


    Why you'll love Attribution 2.0

    • Gain deeper, accurate insights into your marketing performance
    • Make data-driven decisions with confidence
    • Optimize your marketing spend based on true channel value
    • Align your attribution analysis with your specific business goals
    • Analyze hidden opportunities in your marketing mix

    We're constantly working to improve your experience with Usermaven. Stay tuned for more updates that will further enhance your ability to analyze and optimize your marketing efforts.

    Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We're excited to see how Attribution 2.0 will transform your marketing strategy and drive better results!



  2. New features: Tailored workspace experience, exclude proxy traffic, and API event import

    New Feature

    We're excited to announce our latest update, bringing you powerful new features to enhance your workspace management and data analysis capabilities. This release focuses on improved customization, more precise traffic monitoring, and expanded data integration options. Let's dive into the key improvements:

    Tailored workspace experience

    We've introduced a new feature that allows you to tailor your dashboard experience to your specific business needs. You can now choose from three distinct workspace types:

    • SaaS/Membership sites
    • eCommerce store
    • Website Analytics

    When you select your preferred workspace type, the following elements will be customized to match your business model:

    Navigation menu: Optimized to prioritize the most relevant sections for your type of business.

    Setup guides: Tailored instructions to help you configure your workspace efficiently.


    New premium feature: Exclude proxy traffic from all stats

    We're excited to introduce a powerful new tool to help you get more accurate insights from your traffic data. Our new "Exclude proxy traffic" feature allows you to filter out various types of proxy traffic from all your statistics, giving you a clearer picture of your genuine user engagement.

    Key aspects of this feature:

    Toggle Control: A simple on/off switch allows you to easily enable or disable proxy traffic exclusion across all your stats.

    Granular Proxy Selection: Choose exactly which types of proxy traffic you want to exclude. Options include:

    • VPN
    • TOR
    • Datacenter
    • Public Proxies
    • Web Proxies
    • Search Engine Robots

    Import historical events via API

    Another significant upgrade to our HTTP event API, allowing you to import historical data with precision. This enhancement gives you more flexibility and control over your event timeline.

    Timestamp Support: Our API now accepts a timestamp parameter for each event.

    Millisecond Precision: You can specify event times down to the millisecond, ensuring accurate chronological placement of your historical data.

    Flexible Data Import: Whether you're backfilling data, migrating from another platform, or reconciling offline events, you can now place each event exactly where it belongs in your timeline.

    How it works:

    When sending events through our HTTP API, simply include a timestamp (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch) with each event. The API will use this timestamp to correctly place the event in your historical data.

    You can learn more about HTTP API from here: 


    Other Improvements

    Restructured Settings Menu: We've reorganized the miscellaneous section to enhance navigation and accessibility:

    • You'll now find the Reporting and Exclude Traffic options under Workspace Settings.
    • This change streamlines your workflow, making it easier to find and adjust these important configurations.

    Enhanced Setup Guide

    To help you get started quickly and efficiently, we've added a comprehensive Setup Guide:

    • Detailed step-by-step instructions for setting up and optimizing your Usermaven workspace.
    • Includes instructional videos for visual learners.

    We encourage you to explore these updates and take advantage of the new Setup Guide to ensure you're getting the most out of Usermaven.


  3. Introducing Reports, Top regions, and more...

    New Feature

    Over the past few weeks, we have introduced numerous new features and significant improvements to Usermaven. Usermaven is becoming more powerful with each passing day. Let's dive into what we brought you:


    This option was previously available under Workspace Settings > Email Reports. With the recent overhaul of the Reports feature, you can now schedule reports to be sent on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can also specify the exact hour at which you'd like to receive the reports.


    We are also adding new notification channels in the next few days, including Slack, so you can get reports directly in your marketing channels. Additionally, your personalized KPI reports can now be delivered straight to your email or Slack channel.


    Your existing reports that you added have already been migrated to the new "Reports" section.

    Top Regions

    In website analytics, we’ve added the Top Regions functionality. Now, you can see which regions are driving the most traffic to your site. This feature is particularly useful if you or your clients have a local business and want to identify the regions generating the most conversions. With this information, you can run more targeted and focused campaigns in those specific areas.



    Export histogram and location

    You can now export histogram data into a CSV file. Simply click on the "Download" icon, and the data will be saved in CSV format.


    Also, we have added the "Export" option for the locations as well.


    Billing Page Revamped

    We have revamped our billing page to provide a clear overview of your usage of the Usermaven platform, as well as your upcoming bills and invoices.

    The new billing page includes:

    • Overview: A summary of your plan and events usage, with a breakdown of events by type such as Pageviews, Custom Events, and Auto-captured Events.
    • Plans Tab: Displays the plan you are currently enrolled in and offers a comparison between different plans.
    • Invoices: A section where you can view all of your previous transactions and invoices.



    Performance Improvements

    As Usermaven continues to grow each day, we have optimized our data warehouse and achieved a 156% performance gain across the platform in data response times. This improvement is crucial as it ensures a faster, more efficient user experience for our end users.

    Upcoming next:

    Attribution 2.0: Enhanced attribution capabilities to provide deeper insights into the sources and channels driving your conversions.

    Trends: A new feature that will allow you to analyze and visualize trends in your data, helping you to identify patterns and make informed decisions.

    Stay tuned for these powerful updates that will further enhance your Usermaven experience!


  4. Workspaces list view, customize workspace logo and more...

    New Feature

    Over the past few weeks, we have been working diligently to enhance Usermaven. In this update, we are excited to introduce several new features, improve the overall user experience, and implement various quality-of-life improvements that will make your journey with our product even better.

    Workspaces list view

    We've introduced the Workspaces List View, which gives you an overview of all your workspaces in a handy list format. This feature makes it easy for you to navigate and manage multiple workspaces within our platform.



    Customize logo for workspace

    You can now personalize your workspaces by uploading your own custom logo. This feature allows you to maintain your brand identity and create a more cohesive user experience within the Usermaven platform.



    Create conversion goal while creating pinned event

    When you create a pinned event, you can now set a conversion goal at the same time. This streamlined process saves you time and ensures that your conversion goals are properly aligned with the corresponding pinned events.



    Angular example

    We've added an Angular example to our platform's documentation or resources. This example shows you how to integrate Usermaven's features and functionalities into an Angular application, making it easier for you to implement Usermaven in your projects.



    You can learn more about Angular integration here.


    Exclude server side events from Website Analytics dashboard.

    Now, we have added an option in the Workspace Miscellaneous section to exclude server-side events received from your applications in the Website Analytics.

    To exclude server-side events, turn on this option as shown below.



    Other improvements

    • We have restructured the Events section. You will now see it on the left menu under "Configure Events". This includes your auto-captured events, pinned events, and custom events.
    • We have removed the Analyze section and moved the Funnels, Journeys, and Attribute pages to the main navigation menu.
    • In addition to these changes, we have improved the Website Analytics UI and query performance.


  5. Maven AI, Custom Channel Mapping, Traffic Channel Filtering and more...

    New Feature

    Maven AI: Your conversational analytics assistant

    We've been hard at work refining and polishing our Maven AI, and we're excited to introduce its new look and feel. Maven AI is now more conversational, allowing you to ask questions about your top-performing pages, channels, sources, and more. With Maven AI, you can quickly gain key insights into your data through an AI-powered analysis.



    Custom channel mapping

    Another new feature we shipped in this release called Custom Channel Mapping. You can now categorize your traffic into custom channels based on specific criteria, providing a more tailored view of your data.

    With Custom Channel Mapping, you can:

    • Map traffic from specific referring websites (e.g., G2, Capterra) to custom channels
    • Categorize traffic based on UTM tags (source, medium, campaign)
    • Group traffic landing on specific pages or URL patterns

    This feature empowers you to better understand your traffic sources and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.




    Traffic channel filtering in Website Analytics

    We've upgraded our Traffic Channels feature in website analytics, making it even easier to analyze your data. You can now filter your analytics based on specific Traffic Channels with just a simple click.




    This enhancement allows you to quickly drill down into your data and gain valuable insights about the performance of specific Traffic Channels. By focusing on individual channels, you can make informed decisions to optimize your marketing strategies and improve your overall website performance.


    Tracking script improvement and integration guides

    We have released an updated tracking script that is compatible with all types of websites. While the legacy script will continue to function for existing installations, we recommend using the new tracking script for any new websites. This updated script offers improved performance and reliability across various web platforms and technologies.




    Other than that, we've added in-app guides for the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS), including Shopify, SquareSpace, Wix, Webflow, and more. These in-app guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you quickly set up tracking for your website, ensuring that you can start gathering valuable data as soon as possible.


    New guides: Using Regex in Journeys and tracking conversions on Shopify

    We're pleased to announce the publication of two new guides designed to help you make the most of Usermaven's features and integrate with popular e-commerce platforms.


    Other improvements

    • We've enhanced the Workspaces drop-down menu to display the favicon or logo of your website next to the corresponding workspace name. This visual cue makes it easier to identify and select the desired workspace, especially when managing multiple websites or projects.
    • We've fixed an issue in the website analytics comparison feature where the exact day of the week wasn't always matching correctly.
    • We've made some cosmetic changes and UI enhancements throughout the platform to improve the overall user experience.


    We hope you enjoy these updates in Usermaven. Till next time.


  6. Notes/ Annotations, Enhanced Top Channels/Sources, Contacts Hub Overhaul, Locking Funnel Feature, and much more….

    New Feature

    We're thrilled to showcase a wave of exciting new features and enhancements in the latest Usermaven update! Dive in and explore the latest upgrades that will further empower your marketing analysis.


    Notes / Annotations

    Usermaven empowers you to annotate your web analytics graphs with the new Notes/Annotations feature. This addition allows you to directly document key observations on your graphs, enriching your analysis of essential metrics like unique visitors, pageviews, sessions, visit duration, bounce rate, and events.

    With Notes/Annotations, you can now:

    • Pinpoint Insights: Click on any data point to create a detailed note, documenting specific trends or observations.
    • Enhanced Context: Annotations are displayed next to the corresponding data point, providing clear context.
    • Tailored Visibility: Choose to keep notes private or share them with workspace users for collaborative analysis.
    • Granular Control: Only Owners, Administrators, and Managers can create and edit notes, ensuring data integrity.

    This new feature streamlines your workflow, allowing you to capture valuable insights, fostering collaboration and informed decision-making.


    Enhanced Top Channels/Sources in Web Analytics Dashboard

    Our Web Analytics dashboard now offers an improved Top Channels/Sources section, providing a more comprehensive view of your traffic sources. Previously, this section provided users with a limited set of sources making it difficult to differentiate between Organic Search, Paid Search, and various social media channels.

    With this new update, we're introducing a wider range of channels including:

    • Direct
    • Referrals
    • Organic Search
    • Paid Search
    • Organic Social
    • Paid Social
    • Email
    • Display Ads
    • Other Campaigns


    top sources


    The Overview tab reflects this change, displaying the Top Sources for your platform along with the numbers and percentage of the users coming from each Source. You'll also find an interactive pie chart that visually represents this data in an easy-to-understand format.


    Introducing Source Information in the Contacts Hub Dashboard

    Gain deeper user insights with Usermaven's "First Touchpoint" section! This powerful addition to the Contacts Hub Dashboard unlocks valuable details about source, medium, and referrer information for each visitor, user, or company. This empowers you to understand how individuals discover your platform, allowing you to tailor and optimize your marketing strategies based on the most effective channels and sources.

    You also have the ability to filter the data based on these touchpoints and later create your segment.




    With this update, you can now identify the channels or sources driving the most traffic to your platform and gain valuable insights into the mediums and referrers used by your visitors, users, and companies to access your platform.

    This information empowers you to tailor your marketing strategies and optimise your reach based on the channels and sources that are most effective in attracting your target audience.


    Locking a Funnel

    Next, we have introduced the locking a funnel feature on the Funnels dashboard in Usermaven. This functionality enables Workspace Owners and Administrators to restrict editing and deleting access to specific funnels, safeguarding critical user journey analyses and fostering efficient team collaboration.

    Previously, unrestricted editing rights for funnels could lead to inconsistencies and confusion within teams. With funnel locking, Owners and Administrators can:

    • Maintain control and accuracy: Prevent unauthorized edits, ensuring the reliability of data collected through locked funnels.
    • Assign clear ownership: Establish clear edit rights, fostering efficient collaboration and preventing potential conflicts or misunderstandings.




    This update enables a more controlled and collaborative environment for analyzing user journeys, ultimately improving team communication and safeguarding data.


    Updated Pinned and Custom Events’ Detailed View

    The Detailed View pages within the Pinned and Custom Events dashboards now boast a powerful new addition: 'Breakdown by Page'. This section offers valuable insights into how frequently specific events occur on different pages within your platform.

    Previously, the Detailed View primarily focused on user information, event timestamps, and page information. This update introduces a breakdown of events by page, providing a count of each event's occurrences on various pages.

    breakdown by page


    This can help you gauge the effectiveness of different pages in triggering the specific events that you're tracking. Moreover, you can also leverage these insights to optimize your pages and enhance user engagement with the events you care about most.


    Updated Attribution Insights

    Building on the recent improvements to the Web Analytics dashboard's Top Channels/Sources section, Usermaven has also revamped the Attribution Insights dashboard within the Analyze section. Previously limited to displaying a basic set of traffic sources like search engines, direct landings, and social media, the updated Attribution dashboard now offers a more comprehensive view by including:

    • Direct
    • Referrals
    • Organic Search
    • Paid Search
    • Organic Social
    • Paid Social
    • Email
    • Display Ads
    • Other Campaigns




    All data on the Attribution dashboard is filtered and presented according to your chosen attribution model, providing a clear and unified view of your marketing channel performance.


    Cross Domain Tracking in Usermaven

    Exciting News! Usermaven now supports Cross Domain Tracking, allowing you to track user journeys seamlessly across multiple websites or domains.

    Previously, separate domains meant fragmented data. The lack of cross-domain tracking led to a disjointed view of user behavior and inaccurate insights into your audience's engagement and journey.

    This feature ensures:

    • A Unified User View: Understand user behavior across your entire platform.
    • Accurate Conversions: Attribute conversions and revenue accurately across all touch-points.
    • Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage deeper customer insights for informed decision-making.

    To learn more how you can use the cross-domain tracking, please follow this link.


    Other Improvements

    • Sorting in Funnel Analysis Detailed View: You can now sort results by conversion rate in the detailed view's table. This lets you see top performers and areas for improvement at a glance, for channels, sources, browsers, countries, and devices, in both ascending and descending order. Analyze your funnel performance with greater ease and efficiency!
    • Our detailed funnel analysis breakdown is now updated to reflect the new channels mapping. This means the breakdown by source and channel will be based on the recently introduced mapping system.


    We hope you enjoy these updates, keep us posted with your valuable feedback.


  7. Revamped Product Onboarding Insight, Multi-domain filtering, and much more..

    New Feature

    Usermaven's evolution continues! We’re thrilled to unveil powerful updates that empower you to analyze, filter, and navigate your website data with newfound ease and efficiency. Let's dive into the details and see how these changes can benefit your workflow.


    Streamlined Web Analytics with Default Domain Settings

    Usermaven now lets you select "All domains" as default in Workspace Settings. This displays all connected domains for easy analytics access, unlike the previous single-domain option.

    no. 1..

    Doing this is a straightforward process:

    • Navigate to Workspace settings in Usermaven using the left-side menu.
    • Choose "General" and scroll down to the section labeled "Show/Hide domains on the dashboard."
    • Activate the toggle for each domain you wish to include in your default view.
    • Hover your cursor over "All domains" and click on the "Set as Default" option when it becomes visible.

    Multi-domain Data Filtering on the Web Analytics Dashboard

    Gone are the days of analyzing one domain at a time! Our new multi-domain data filtering lets you compare and contrast performance across all your domains simultaneously, giving you a holistic view and deeper insights.

    With this new functionality, you can now choose multiple domains on your web analytics dashboard, presenting their data concurrently for a more detailed and inclusive view of your statistics. This feature ensures that insights and data from all selected domains are readily available, offering a holistic view on the web analytics page.


    no. 2


    Revamped Onboarding Insights: Funnel Deep Dive and User Cards

    Unveiling a Powerful Onboarding Dashboard: Say goodbye to the basic funnel! Our upgraded dashboard explodes with insights, offering a comprehensive view of your user journey.

    With a myriad of options - dive deeper than ever before!

    • Experience the onboarding completion funnel in both horizontal and vertical graph formats, offering diverse visualizations of your data.
    no. 3


    • Want to go deeper into how users find and finish your onboarding? Our new 'Deep Dive' lets you slice and dice the data in easy-to-understand ways. See trends based on where users came from, where they are, and what tech they use! No more boring graphs and tables!
    • Detailed view goes beyond graphical and tabular representations, allowing you to break and filter data based on first touch (source, channel, referrer), location (country, city), and technology (device, browser, and operating system).
    • You can compare your onboarding funnel over different periods of time, track how your onboarding process works over time to see what's helping and what needs fixing.
    • Gain insights into conversion by viewing the average time it takes for your users to complete the onboarding process.


    • On the main onboarding dashboard, explore user details through flashcards, highlighting users who have completed each onboarding step. Each flash card provides user names along with their first and last seen details.
    no. 4
    • Easily access the average time distribution for onboarding completion insights directly on the main dashboard.
    no. 5


    This revamped onboarding dashboard not only enhances the visual appeal but also equips you with a more profound understanding of your user onboarding dynamics, making it your secret weapon for a seamless onboarding experience.


    Overhauled Contacts Hub: Seamless Navigation and Enhanced Insights

    The Contacts Hub just got a makeover! Forget flipping through separate pages for visitors, users, companies, and groups. Now, a handy sidebar shows them all at once, with quick counts of each so you can find what you need instantly. No more clicking and searching!


    Noteworthy features of this update include:

    • New sidebar: Find visitors, users, companies & groups quickly with the revamped sidebar.
    • Data at a glance: See how many of each right next to their section – no more searching!
    • Direct segment creation: Build new groups of contacts right on the dashboard.
    • Easy segment access: See all your groups and open them instantly from a list.
    • Company names, not IDs: Say goodbye to confusing codes – names make things clear.
    • Better exports: Download users & companies with their unique details included.

    The new Contacts Hub makes managing your users and data easier than ever!

    Find what you need faster with a new sidebar, build groups of contacts right on the dashboard, and see important info like company names instead of confusing codes. Plus, exporting data is now richer with more details included. It's a more user-friendly way to find insights about your audience.

    Conversion Time Distribution

    Exciting news! We've added a brand new "Conversion Time Distribution" feature to Usermaven. This cool feature shows you how long people typically take to complete each step of the funnels or onboarding flows you set up.

    Want to dig deeper? Both the Onboarding and Funnels dashboards now have a special "Deep Dive" section filled with info about how long people spend on each step. Check it out to see:

    Here's a comprehensive breakdown of what awaits you on this page:

    • Average Time Breakdown: Discover the average time users took to complete each step within the funnel, as well as the overall average time for the entire funnel.
    • Customizable View: At the top of the page, you have the flexibility to choose between viewing the average time for specific steps or the entire funnel. Simply select the desired steps to tailor your analysis.
    • Bar Graph: A dynamic bar graph awaits you, corresponding to your selected view. It not only showcases the number of users completing each specified step but also provides insights into the average time taken. The histogram, by default segmented into 5 bins, can be customized up to 25 bins, offering a clear distribution of users completing the funnel within specified time ranges.
    • Detailed Insights: Towards the end of the page, dive into detailed insights that provide a comprehensive explanation of the presented metrics. This ensures a thorough understanding of user behavior and time dynamics.

    This dedicated page is strategically designed to empower you with actionable insights. It serves as a valuable tool for analyzing and optimizing user engagement based on time-related factors.



    Stay tuned for more updates as Usermaven continues its commitment to delivering a powerful analytics tool tailored to your evolving needs!


  8. Feature adoption 2.0, Funnel conversion time distribution, and more..

    New Feature

    Usermaven is becoming increasingly powerful, and in today's release notes, we are thrilled to announce a multitude of new features and enhancements that have been made to Usermaven over the past few weeks. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let's explore these updates together.


    Feature adoption 2.0

    In product insights, we have overhauled the feature adoption metrics, providing you with more meaningful data. Previously, the feature adoption module allowed you to view the percentage of feature usage but did not enable you to define adoption and retention criteria for these features.

    With the new Feature Adoption, you now have the option to:

    • For large applications with many substantial parts or modules, you now have the option to better organize your features. This includes the ability to create modules and put individual features within these modules.
    • Define adoption criteria, such as the number of times an event is performed by a user, to classify a feature as adopted.
    • Similarly, you have the option to define retention criteria. This involves specifying how frequently a feature must be used by users — whether weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly — to categorize them as retained users.
    • You can generate a group report to obtain a bird's-eye view of how features are being utilized across the platform. Additionally, you have the option to view detailed information on individual features within just a few seconds.
    • You can track the frequency of usage by "Adopted" and "Retained" users on your platform, along with data on their first and last usage.
    • Last but not least, we've significantly improved the user experience (UX) for the feature adoption module.

    Creating a new feature report is very straightforward.

    i) Go to the "Manage Features" section from right top corner.

    ii) Select the event associated with your feature, which could be a visited page URL, a custom event, or a pinned event.

    iii) After that, define the adoption and retention criteria for your feature.



    You also have the flexibility to define as many features as you want and organize them into modules for better management and clarity.


    Funnel conversion time distribution

    Next, we have introduced a conversion time distribution feature in the detailed funnel analysis. A time histogram serves as a valuable tool for analyzing the average time it takes to complete steps in a funnel or process.

    This visual representation showcases the distribution of time taken for each step, or between different steps. Such a tool can offer insights beyond what a simple average might reveal, highlighting nuances in user behavior and process efficiency.



    Dynamic conversion value for conversion goals

    Previously, the option to define the conversion goal value was limited to a static format. However, there are scenarios where dynamic values for conversion goals are more appropriate.

    For instance, a SaaS company might be interested in identifying the total number of users who have upgraded, along with their corresponding conversion values.

    With this release, you now have the capability to use dynamic values for conversion goals. It's important to note that this feature is available only for custom events, and it requires the passing of attributes. You can learn more about how to pass attributes in custom events from our documentation. 


    Once you have selected your conversion goal from the Website Analytics, the data will be updated to reflect your choice. The resulting display will be organized to clearly show the relevant information based on your selected conversion goal.



    WordPress plugin auto identify logged in Users

    Another update has been made to the WordPress plugin.

    Track Identified Users

    Previously, you had to manually send the Users information to the Usermaven, but now we have provided an option to send logged in Users data to the Usermaven automatically from your WordPress website.

    image (2)

    Exclude logged in users visits by roles

    In the WordPress plugin, we have added an option to exclude events from being sent to Usermaven based on the roles of the logged-in users. This feature is particularly useful if you are logged into WordPress and visit the website, as it ensures that your own visits are not tracked by the Usermaven pixel.

    image (1)


    Auto page-view tracking for Svelte framework

    We have introduced support for sending events to Usermaven upon page changes in the Svelte framework. To utilize this feature, you will need to manually add a parameter to the JavaScript script: data-auto-pageview="true". This enhancement simplifies the process of tracking page views and user interactions within applications built using Svelte.


    View daily, weekly, and monthly active users list

    We have introduced a feature in the "Product Engagement > Active Users" insight section that allows you to obtain a list of daily, weekly, and monthly active users. By clicking on the "View" button, you will be able to access and review a detailed list of users who are actively engaging with your product on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.



    SDKs for React and Next

    Our official React and Next.js Software Development Kits (SDKs) are now available and are the recommended tools for integrating Usermaven into your websites and web applications. Both SDKs are designed to be compatible with sending events to Usermaven from server-side components, offering a seamless and efficient way to incorporate analytics and user tracking in your React and Next.js projects.

    You can use NPM or Yarn package manager to install these SDKs.

     Reference link for the Next. 

     Reference link for the React

    Further, we have added an example for the Next App Router which you can find it here.


    Better UX experience for date picker

    Previously, our date picker featured a single-menu design that displayed a list of dates. We have improved its user experience (UX) by redesigning the menu to be divided into two columns. This enhancement aims to make date selection more intuitive and user-friendly, allowing for easier navigation and a more efficient way to choose dates.



    Other Improvements and bug fixes:

    • In website analytics, there was an issue where selecting "All Domains" would bring in results from domains that were supposed to be excluded. We have addressed this by implementing a restriction based on the Workspace URL, as well as any additional domains that you have added. This change ensures that the data you see under "All Domains" is more accurate and relevant, excluding any domains that are not part of your intended analytics scope.
    • We've resolved corner cases where the report was not listing companies. Now, it should accurately display all relevant company information.
    • The issue related to the time on page metric in the "Top Pages" section of website analytics has been fixed. This ensures more accurate tracking and reporting of user engagement on your top pages.
    • The interface for setting conversion goals has been shifted from a modal to a side panel. This change is part of our effort to maintain better consistency throughout the platform, offering a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.
    • Additionally, we've made various other enhancements across the platform to improve performance, usability, and overall user experience.


  9. Engagement column in contacts hub, funnel window and more

    New Feature

    1. Engagement Column

    In our latest update, we've introduced a new "Engagement" column in the Contacts Hub. This column provides an overview with four distinct engagement levels:

    • Highly Active
    • Moderately Active
    • Low
    • At Risk

    Engagement is measured by multiplying the number of events by the ratio of active days within the past 30 days to 30. For users who have recently signed up, engagement is determined by considering the date of their registration to the platform and tallying the number of events they've participated in since then.

    Please note: The "At Risk" engagement category is exclusive to Users and Companies only.

    2. Funnels Improvements

    Funnel Window

    Now you can set the window size for your funnel. The window size determines the duration (in days/hours/minutes) within which a user must complete the funnel steps.

    For instance, if you designate a window size of 7 days, the user is given a 7-day period to finish the funnel steps. Users failing to complete the steps within this 7-day span won't be included in the funnel's count.

    funnel window

    Events Compaction

    In our funnels module, we've implemented a compaction feature. Previously, in a funnel sequence like Step A -> B -> B -> C -> D, the strict mode would encounter issues due to the adjacent repetition of Step B. With the new compaction feature, such repetitions are effectively handled.

    For those utilizing the Journeys feature and funnels in Usermaven, you can expect precise outcomes in both functionalities.

    3. Product Insights UX Improvements

    In the earlier version of the Product Insights module, creating a new insight required several steps. However, with the current update, you can swiftly generate a new Insight simply by selecting the "Create New Insight" button located within the Product Insights module.

    4. Time filter in Visitors overview

    Before, the Visitors overview page only displayed visitor data from the last 7 days. Now, we've enhanced this feature by introducing a dropdown menu that offers additional time period options, enabling you to view visitor statistics for up to the last 90 days.

    visitors date dropdown menu

    This enhancement is particularly valuable for observing the journeys of individual visitors and understanding the actions they undertake.

    Other Improvements

    • We've transitioned the Funnel creation interface from modals to the Drawer to ensure consistency across the platform.
    • The options in the Product Insights module, including Onboarding, Product Engagement, and others, have been relocated to the left pane, transitioning away from the tab format.
    • Additionally, you now have the capability to conceal the Product Insights menu items using the "Customize Menu" section.
    • We've streamlined the process of creating a new insight, reducing the number of required clicks. Specifically, defining an insight name and setting up event conditions have been made more straightforward.

    We hope you'll find value in these updates. Until next time, enjoy!


  10. Company timeline view, analyze traffic change in top sources, UTM metrics, and more

    New Feature

    In this week's release, we've introduced two significant new features in Usermaven. Let's delve deeper.

    Company Timeline View

    The Company Timeline View is particularly useful if you wish to monitor how users within a company engage with the application. For B2B SaaS companies, it's crucial to identify which users are most active. This information can later facilitate obtaining feedback from these specific users or exploring upsell opportunities.


    company timeline


    Note: The company timeline view shows the activity based on the weekly basis for the company users.

    Should you wish to view the total number of events carried out by users over the past 30 days, you can utilize the 'Users' option within the 'Company' section.

    company users activity


    Comparing Traffic Variations: Top sources, UTM traffic and other sections

    In our latest release, we've further enhanced the analytics comparison feature. Now, when you choose the comparison option, you'll instantly see the percentage change in traffic between the current and previous periods across key sections like Top Sources, UTM Traffic, and more.

    This intuitive update empowers you to swiftly pinpoint which traffic sources have experienced increases or decreases, streamlining your analysis and decision-making process.



    Additionally, hovering over the 'Change' will display the number of visitors from the selected comparison period.


    traffic change value


    In the detailed view for Top Sources, UTM Traffic, and other sections, the percentage change is now clearly displayed. Additionally, you can easily sort data based on these changes, giving you even more control over your analysis."




    We hope you'll find value in these updates. Enjoy!
