
New updates and improvements to Usermaven

New features: Tailored workspace experience, exclude proxy traffic, and API event import

New Feature

We're excited to announce our latest update, bringing you powerful new features to enhance your workspace management and data analysis capabilities. This release focuses on improved customization, more precise traffic monitoring, and expanded data integration options. Let's dive into the key improvements:

Tailored workspace experience

We've introduced a new feature that allows you to tailor your dashboard experience to your specific business needs. You can now choose from three distinct workspace types:

  • SaaS/Membership sites
  • eCommerce store
  • Website Analytics

When you select your preferred workspace type, the following elements will be customized to match your business model:

Navigation menu: Optimized to prioritize the most relevant sections for your type of business.

Setup guides: Tailored instructions to help you configure your workspace efficiently.


New premium feature: Exclude proxy traffic from all stats

We're excited to introduce a powerful new tool to help you get more accurate insights from your traffic data. Our new "Exclude proxy traffic" feature allows you to filter out various types of proxy traffic from all your statistics, giving you a clearer picture of your genuine user engagement.

Key aspects of this feature:

Toggle Control: A simple on/off switch allows you to easily enable or disable proxy traffic exclusion across all your stats.

Granular Proxy Selection: Choose exactly which types of proxy traffic you want to exclude. Options include:

  • VPN
  • TOR
  • Datacenter
  • Public Proxies
  • Web Proxies
  • Search Engine Robots

Import historical events via API

Another significant upgrade to our HTTP event API, allowing you to import historical data with precision. This enhancement gives you more flexibility and control over your event timeline.

Timestamp Support: Our API now accepts a timestamp parameter for each event.

Millisecond Precision: You can specify event times down to the millisecond, ensuring accurate chronological placement of your historical data.

Flexible Data Import: Whether you're backfilling data, migrating from another platform, or reconciling offline events, you can now place each event exactly where it belongs in your timeline.

How it works:

When sending events through our HTTP API, simply include a timestamp (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch) with each event. The API will use this timestamp to correctly place the event in your historical data.

You can learn more about HTTP API from here: 


Other Improvements

Restructured Settings Menu: We've reorganized the miscellaneous section to enhance navigation and accessibility:

  • You'll now find the Reporting and Exclude Traffic options under Workspace Settings.
  • This change streamlines your workflow, making it easier to find and adjust these important configurations.

Enhanced Setup Guide

To help you get started quickly and efficiently, we've added a comprehensive Setup Guide:

  • Detailed step-by-step instructions for setting up and optimizing your Usermaven workspace.
  • Includes instructional videos for visual learners.

We encourage you to explore these updates and take advantage of the new Setup Guide to ensure you're getting the most out of Usermaven.
