
New updates and improvements to Usermaven

🚀 Sessions, Visit Duration, Bounce Rate, and a lot more...

New Feature

Another exciting release for this week and the Web Analytics module got even more powerful.

🆕 Sessions

A session is a group of user interactions with your website that occur within a specific time frame. A single session, for example, can contain multiple page views, events, social interactions, and eCommerce transactions.




🆕 Visit Duration

Visit duration is the amount of time the user spent on your website during each session.




🆕 Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who navigates away from a website after viewing a single page. If your bounce rate is higher, then you may need to put some extra effort into your website messaging or drive a targeted audience to your website.




🆕 Bar Chart

We have added the bar chart option in the overview section of web analytics. Now, you can easily switch and use it according to your preference.




🆕 Entry and Exit Pages

In the Top Pages section, you can now see through which pages visitors are entering or leaving your website.




Other Improvements

- Today's chart now shows the complete day data points. Previously, it used to show the data points till the current hour.

- We have worked on optimizing the speed of the Dashboard, and you will notice the difference.

- If you are using a bar chart or line chart, your last used chart preference will be saved. The next time you visit the dashboard, It will show accordingly.

- In the web analytics overview, if you use Visitors, Sessions, or any other option, we now save the preference, and the next time you visit your dashboard, your last used metric will be selected automatically.

We hope that you enjoy these updates.


Entry/Exit Pages

Along with Top Pages traffic, see the entry pages and exit pages traffic your visitors are coming from.

Muhammad Azhar
Shipped 🚀



Avg. time of page and bounce rate

Web analytics should have bounce rate and avg. time of page visitors.

Muhammad Azhar
Shipped 🚀

